The total fee for any eligible ATA member to participate in AIM is $25. ATA annual membership for those 22 and under is $12 and AIM membership is $13. All AIM membership fees are applied to AIM program costs (awards, scholarships and promotion of youth shooting). All AIM members are eligible to participate in any ATA registered event or tournament, including the Grand American, throughout the year.
Many AIM teams are a result of team participation in other youth shooting programs such as: 4H, FFA, American Legion & State Conservation. All members of these programs are welcome to be a part of AIM and can invite their friends to participate as well. Special awards are available at the AIM Grand Championships. Please see the AIM Grand program for more details.
Categories: Age categories for new members are based on your age the day you join the ATA. Age categories for renewing members are based on your age as of September 1st of each year. Shooters who become eligible for new age based categories during the target year may elect to continue to compete in the previous category for the remainder of that target year. (For example, a shooter reaching age 18 may elect to continue to shoot as a Junior for the remainder of the current target year.) However, once a shooter has elected to move to the new category, that decision is irrevocable and he/she may not again declare eligibility for the previous category. ALL mid-year category changes must be submitted to the ATA office within 7 business days of the shooter's birthday by calling 618-449-2224 or emailing
Use the links to the right as needed to register as an ATA / AIM member.
To view all forms, please visit the Forms page.